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Thank you to everyone who attended our recent Open Event for entry into Year 7 in your hundreds!

It was lovely to hear such wonderful feedback about our school, its facilities and the opportunities that we have on offer.

If you wish to apply for one of our ‘in-demand’ places at Scarborough’s secondary school of choice, don’t forget that the deadline for all applications is Thursday 31st October 2024

For St Augustine’s Admissions Information, visit our website :

Ofsted Outstanding Good for screens 1
SAS home page head boy girl
" I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you."
John 13-:15

School calendar

Here’s what’s happening

Upcoming events at St Augustines School

  • School re-opens

  • Flu Immunisations (All Year groups)

  • Flu Immunisations (follow up)

  • School re-opens

  • whole school careers fair – pm only

  • School re-opens

  • School re-opens

  • School re-opens