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Travel & Tourism

Name of Department: Travel & Tourism

Head of Department: Mrs S Richards

Our approach to the Travel & Tourism curriculum

‘By 2025 the UK tourism industry will be worth over £257 billion, around 10% of the UK GDP, supporting 3.8 million jobs.’ Visit England, 2022.

BTEC Travel & Tourism provides an insight into a vibrant, adaptive and forward-thinking industry which is vital to our local economy. Students are encouraged to explore elements of the industry at the local, national and international level, and are provided opportunities to forge links with local tourism businesses.

Curriculum content

BTEC Travel & Tourism explores 3 key themes using a combination of Set Assignments and Summative Examination. The purpose of Set Assignments is to assess students with a series of work-place based tasks, giving an insight into working in the Travel & Tourism industry.

Component 1: Travel and Tourism Organisations and Destinations. In this component, students investigate travel and tourism organisations, their aims and how they work together. Explore types of travel and tourism, the features that make destinations appealing to visitors and different travel routes.

Component 2: Customer Needs in Travel and Tourism. In this component, students investigate how organisations use market research to identify travel and tourism trends, and customer needs and preferences. Application of understanding by selecting products and services and planning a holiday to meet customer needs and preferences.

Component 3: Influences on Global Travel and Tourism. In this component, students explore the different factors that may influence global travel and tourism, and how travel and tourism organisations and destinations respond to these factors. Examination of the potential impacts of tourism at global destinations and how destinations can manage the impacts of tourism and control tourism development to achieve sustainable tourism.

Progression Map

Travel & Tourism Progression Map

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