Transition 2024
Moving from primary to secondary school is an exciting and significant event in the life of your child.

Head of Transition: Miss A Robinson
Inevitably, most children have some worries about starting secondary school - some of these are social worries and some are to do with the organisational demands that they know will be placed upon them. However, most of the worries children have about starting secondary school diminish quickly in the first half term as students get used to the new routines and expectations.
Contact Us
Tel: 01723 363280
St Augustine's School, Sandybed Lane, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO12 5LH
What happens in September?
Further guidance will be sent home in due course regarding the finalised arrangements for September.
This information will include your child's tutor group and form room - your child will need to know which tutor group they are in when they join us in September so that they can be directed to the appropriate room.
On the first day in Year 7, your child needs to come to the Year 7 area where their Tutors will meet them and take them to their form rooms - there will be staff on each entrance to support with directing students appropriately as parents/carers cannot access the site for safeguarding reasons.
Be assured there will be significant support for Year 7 students on that first morning and beyond to ensure they settle in quickly and confidently.
Meet the Year 7 Team
7 Matthew - Mr Beckett, Miss Joyce
7 Mark - Miss Milton, Mrs Richards
7 Luke - Mrs Foy, Mrs Elliott
7 John - Mrs Farrell, Mr Newton
Parent Pay
Parentpay is a quick, secure and easy to use cashless system which enables parents and carers to pay online for things like school meals, music tuition, school educational visits and other necessary resources. It eliminates the need to write cheques and send cash into school with students.
If you have more than one child at St Augustine's School you can merge their accounts to manage payments and expenditure all in one place.
Transition Days 2024
We welcome our Year 6 students to St Augustine's School on the 4th and 5th of July 2024
SAS School Day
Time | Activity |
8.55 - 9.15 am | Tutor time / assembly |
9.15 - 10.15am | Lesson 1 |
10.15 - 11.15am | Lesson 2 |
11.15 - 11.30am | Break |
11.30 - 12:30pm | Lesson 3 |
12.30 - 1.20pm | Lunch Break |
1.20 - 2.20pm | Lesson 4 |
2.20 - 3.20pm | Lesson 5 |
Transition Testimonials