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Contact us

Exams Office contact details

Exams Officer: Z. Hill Email:
Exams Office:

Telephone: (01723) 363280

Exam Results Day

Results will take place in the school Gym. Students will be able to collect their results on the 22nd of August from 9am.

If the student is unable to collect their results, they can nominate a representative to attend on their behalf by emailing the examination office in advance giving consent for a named person to collect them.

Alternatively, If you and your child are unavailable on that day your child my request the results to be emailed out to a preferred email address by contacting the examination office in advance of results day.

All hard copies of results not collected will be posted that day.

Please note, results slips are a notification of your child’s success and not the certificates they will need to produce for further education or employment. Certificates are issued later in the Autumn term and we will email you inviting you to a certificate presentation evening.

Presentation Evening

Presentation Evening will be held on 21st November, 7pm at Westborough Methodist Church.

There will be a presentation of exam certificates and academic awards. These certificates are the legal proof of your results and will be required for future study and job applications.

Certificates not collected at presentation evening must be collected in person from the school as they must be signed for.

Information for Candidates

Information for Schools

Exam Self Certification Form

JCQ Information for Candidate 2023/2024

Unique Learner Number (ULN)

When a student reaches Year 9 they are issued with a Unique Learner Number (ULN) which is used to register and make exam entries with awarding bodies. The ULN is designed to make individual achievements available to Learners (and to colleges and universities) at the Personal Learning Record (PLR) online

The ULN allows the PLR to be populated with verified achievements as Learners move through their lifelong educational journey. Using the ULN will help learners by: speeding up HE and FE applications and admissions, as well as making it possible for individuals to demonstrate qualifications to a potential employer.

Some of the information you supply will be used by the Skills Funding Agency to fulfil its statutory functions, issue/verify your Unique Learner Number (ULN) and update/check your Personal Learning Record. The Skills Funding Agency may share your ULN and Personal Learning Record with other education related organisations, such as your careers service, school, college, university, Government Departments and public bodies responsible for funding your education. Further details of how your information is processed and shared can be found on the government website.