School staff and volunteers are particularly well placed to observe outward changes in behaviour, signs of abuse and failure to develop because they have daily contact with children and young people.
In delivering our Safeguarding duties we will provide a caring, safe environment which promotes the development of the whole child, we will work to identify concerns at an early stage to help prevent them escalating and will work with parents and carers to protect the welfare of all children and young people. We always act in the best interests of the child.

Designated Leads for Child Protection
DSL: Natalie Cullen: Assistant Headteacher
DDSL: Mika Dufton-Stewart: Safeguarding & Wellbeing officer
- Ensures child protection procedures are in place and updated as appropriate
- Ensures all staff are aware of the school policy and procedures
- Is available to provide advice/support to staff, parents and carers and for confidential discussions about concerns
- Is available to provide support to pupil
- Is responsible for co-ordinating arrangements for monitoring of pupils on roll who have been identified as being in need of protection
The Trust Director with responsibility for Safeguarding is:
- James Sargeant
Our Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy:
Out of Hours emergency contacts
- Early Help & Safeguarding Hub: 01609 534852
- Emergency Duty team: 0300 131 2 131
- Child in immediate danger: 999
- Police non-emergency: 101
Useful websites / information sources:
- Parent guide to Roblox : how your children can play safely
- thinkuknow :
- internet matters: https://www.internetmatters.or...
- parentzone:
- net-aware:
- safety detectives:
- Parents Protect: Parents Protect - Harmful behaviour in young people and children
Other useful numbers for information:
- Childline: 0800 11 11 (free to call 24 hours a day)
- The Samaritans: 116 123
- NSPCC: 0808 800 5000 (
(professional counsellors available 24/7 for help & advice)
Keeping Children Safe in Education September 2022
Statutory guidance for schools and colleges on safeguarding children and safer recruitment
Information about health and well-being support:
Helpful resources for students from the NSPCC
Key services supporting children and young people's emotional health and well-being in the local area:
Free online parenting courses available to parents/carers in North Yorkshire - ranging from pregnancy to understanding the teenage brain and understanding your child's additional needs. The Solihull approach has been developed by psychologists, psychotherapists, health visitors and both NHS and education professionals.
To access the courses go to and use the access code NYFAMILIES to create your free account.
We are proud to announce that we are working to become a National Online Safety certified school demonstrating our whole school community commitment to online safety.