Transport & Travel Information
Information about transport arrangements to and from St Augustine's. Find out if your child is entitled to help with school bus costs.
Travelling to St Augustine’s School
Where possible, we encourage all staff, students, parents/carers and visitors to travel sustainably.
This is so that we can help minimise vehicular traffic around the school to create a safer, cleaner environment for everyone.
Please read our dedicated Benefits of Active Travel document below or visit the Open North Yorkshire website for more information.

Our school is easily accessible on Sandybed Lane, off Stepney Road (A170) with designated footpaths and street lighting.
Walking is a great form of exercise that not only boosts your mood but also helps get your recommended 30 minutes of daily exercise.
Cycling is a great way to travel if you have a little further to go and the school has a covered cycle shelter to provide students with security for their bikes and scooters.
If you would like to visit us by bike, we have cycle parking available at the school. To plan your journey by bike, please visit the Cycle Streets website.
If you wish your child to cycle to school, make sure that their bicycle is safe and properly maintained and in winter they should wear safety armbands so that they can be seen by drivers. It is strongly advised that they wear a safety helmet. The school cannot be responsible for their bicycle while it is on school premises and you are advised to have it insured.
If you are visiting us by bus, the number 10 service stops just outside the school. For more information on this service please visit the East Yorkshire Motor Service website.
The following services stop on Stepney Road (A170) and from here it’s just a short walk to the school:
8/8A – East Yorkshire Motor Service
9/9A – East Yorkshire Motor Service
115 Scarborough – East Yorkshire Motor Service
Scarborough Train Station is served by TransPennine Express. From the train station, the route takes approximately 30 minutes to walk or less than 10 minutes to cycle to the school.
Car share
Car sharing is a great way to get to the school; not only will it save you money, but it will also help ease congestion around the school and create a safer environment. We encourage staff, parents and visitors to car share wherever possible.
If you visit the school, you must only park where permitted – not in places where double yellow lines or yellow zig-zags indicate “No Parking”.
If you do have to drive to the school, we would encourage you to Park and Stride. This is where you park a short distance away from the school and complete the last section of the journey on foot. This will help improve our students’ safety and health by reducing congestion and air pollution around the school.
We also encourage you to switch off your car engine whilst waiting to collect your child, as idling creates unnecessary air pollution around our school.
Bus information for 2022-23
Whilst in school uniform, pupils are expected to behave on the buses and the school will deal with any student whose behaviour endangers other passengers or is offensive in any way. Bad language is not tolerated.
It is essential that parents instil and support good behaviour at all times.