Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND) and Pupil Support
At St Augustine's we strive to develop a highly effective learning community for pupils with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND). St Augustine’s is an inclusive school that provides support for the full range of SEND needs: Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN), Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Moderate Learning Difficulties (MLD) and Specific Learning Difficulties (SpLD), Sensory and/or Physical needs as well as Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs.
The Catholic life of the school permeates all that we do and this is consistently evident in the actions of our most vulnerable pupils who embody our school ethos to treat others as you would like to be treated.
With support from our SENCO, all staff understand the responsibility they hold to meet the needs of pupils with SEND. Inclusivity is fundamental to the academic and social development of the pupils in our care. We consider every pupil individually to ensure that they can access the curriculum most suited to them. Most pupils with SEND are integrated within the mainstream classroom organisation of the school and individual learning needs are provided for by quality first teaching and where needed, supported by appropriate setting arrangements, differentiation and adaptation of the curriculum and in-class support.
Where required, a small number of pupils work in St Hilda’s. This is an area within school where pupils can come to have individualised support or work on a bespoke timetable. This supports pupils at difficult points in their lives and is a stepping stone to returning to the classroom feeling more confident, holding more knowledge or building a resilience to life in a mainstream school.
Who do we support? Using information passed on during transition and/or following assessments (either within lessons or specialised assessments conducted outside the lesson), some pupils will be identified as having SEND. These pupils are placed on our SEND Register and Pupil Passports are created. This decision will be made in collaboration with parents/carers. For some pupils their needs may not become apparent immediately. Where teachers have concerns, they will discuss these with the SENCO who will complete further assessments and make a decision if a pupil may or may not be requiring additional help, above and beyond what a classroom teacher can put in place. The SENCO will then contact parents to arrange a meeting to discuss the concerns raised.
Different levels of need The SENCO may decide a pupil’s needs cannot be met without further support from external providers or further funding from NYCC. The SENCO alongside parents will make the decision if an EHCP is to be applied for. This will ensure a pupil will be supported through secondary and into further education. Some pupils with a high level of need may enter school with an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP). Pupils with an EHCP will have a formal Annual Review, which is a statutory requirement, and will always involve both the parents and the pupil, alongside other professionals who work with your child. Outcomes and key action points from Annual Review meetings are shared with specific teachers of individuals to ensure needs are met in an up to date and appropriate manner. This is overseen by the SENCO and Teaching Assistants who support the pupil.
How do we support? All teachers consider the needs of the pupils they teach at the planning stage, adapting lesson materials to ensure all can access the lesson, with aspirational learning objectives for all to ensure progress. Support may be available within some lessons; the staff undertaking this support are members of the Learning Support Team. Occasionally outside agencies will support pupils at St Augustines and/or advise school on how to best support pupil’s within our school, parents/carers will always be informed if this support is requested. We have regular internal reviews of pupils' work to measure progress made and expect that ALL pupils, especially those with SEND should make at least expected progress, in line with their prior achievement. Where expected progress is not being made in a subject area, further intervention work will be planned by the department and in liaison with learning support staff.
Working with stakeholders We place a high priority on working with parents/carers. A half termly newsletter is produced that is sent home via email (from January 2023) and is also available on the school website. We have a contact point each term with parents, either in the form of a progress report, written report or consultation evening. For SEND pupils we aim to hold a termly review or progress meetings, and where appropriate communication via email and telephone. The SENCO will work alongside the SEN governor to ensure the school is compliant in meeting statutory requirements.
Thinking ahead, preparing for adulthood All pupils have access to a range of careers events and the school employs a careers adviser. All SEND pupils have a formal careers interview(s). We place a high priority on developing the whole person, whilst academic qualifications are important, so are social and workplace skills. Work experience is offered to all Y10 pupils as are a variety of ‘learning opportunities outside the classroom’ opportunities for pupils of all ages.
A Whole School Priority SEND is a standing agenda item for SLT & weekly faculty meetings and briefings. Support in lessons with pupils who have Pupil Passport or an EHCP ensures collaborative interaction between the SEND department and the wider curriculum which is further enhanced by lesson drop ins and observations, discussions with students with SEND and positive communication with Heads of Faculty and Key Stage Coordinators to ensure departmental planning is appropriately adapted so all can access and engage with our broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum. Close working relationships are built between our SEND, Pastoral and schools Safeguarding team developing appropriate support packages for our pupils with SEMH needs.
View our SEND Policy located under School Policies
SENCO: Mrs Trish Clay, St Augustine’s School, Sandybed Lane, Scarborough, YO12 5LH
Tel: 01723 671674
Below are several links and workshops to help support families:
Parenting Smart from Place2Be: a free online resource featuring practical advise and tips for parent/carers of children of primary age.
CAMHs: anxious child support - self help guides.
Boredom busting resources: a variety of virtual tours, online lessons, music skills, art and cultural resources plus many more!
Anxiety Booklet: information about what anxiety is and how to recognise the signs.
Dyslexia Sparks: This charity supports dyslexic individuals of all ages to fulfil their potential through diagnostic dyslexia assessments specialist tuition, training and advice.