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We know that good nutrition contributes to pupil performance. We believe that meal times at school not only provide a nutritional offering but also an opportunity for socialising with friends and building a community spirit.

Meal times

  • Breakfast: 8.00am-8.45am
  • Break: 11.15am-11.30am
  • Lunch: 12.30pm- 1.10pm
St Augustines Contact Sheet 481 1024x683

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club runs each morning from 8.00 to 8.45. An informal chance to socialise and to eat.

Studies show that breakfast has a positive impact on concentration, attainment and behaviour.

  • Breakfast Menu

Freshly prepared school meals are available to buy each day from the canteen. Alternatively packed lunches can be brought from home and eaten in the same area. Water is provided.

Morning Break

Snacks are also available to buy at break time.

St Augustine's school follows Caterlink's menus as shown below.

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